General Rules SOP

General Rules ToC

Chapter 1.1: Overview

  1. Zero Tolerance for Discrimination:

    • Racism, bigotry, xenophobia, and similar viewpoints are strictly prohibited.
    • Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Obey Staff and Leaders:

    • Follow instructions given by the staff team and leaders.
    • They are responsible for maintaining the group's standards and operations.
  3. Consistent Activity:

    • Regular participation is mandatory.
    • Attending only a few operations per month is insufficient.
  4. Stay in Character:

    • Remain in character during operations.
    • Maintain the required level of seriousness throughout.
  5. Use of Equipment:

    • Do not use kits, weapons, or vehicles you are not trained for, except in life-saving situations.
  6. Chain of Command:

    • Follow orders from those who outrank you.
    • Do not abuse your rank or disrespect lower-ranked members.
  7. Base Conduct:

    • Do not fire weapons at the base during setup for operations or training.
    • Use single-player mode for such activities.
  8. Event Attendance:

    • Mark your attendance to events posted in operation-announcements.
    • Failure to do so will result in a warning, and repeated offences will lead to removal from the group.
  9. Name Requirements:

    • Use realistic names; avoid famous personalities.
    • Format names as J. James.
    • Your in-game name must match your Discord name (e.g., O1 | G04 - J. James).