Training Pipelines SOP

Chapter 2.1: Selection Process

Upon enrollment in the unit, you will receive the rank of Officer Candidate (O.C.). This will grant you limited access to our Discord server, where you can request the following training session.


Officer Training Course (OTC):

The Officer Training Course (OTC) is divided into four phases, each covering distinct aspects of training.


Phase 1:

  • Introduction
  • Keybinds
  • Radios and communication etiquette 
  • Familiarity with ATAK
  • Rifle qualification
  • Grenades and smokes
  • Medical (TCCC)
  • CQB fundamentals

Phase 2:

  • Familiarity with our assault and support team and their purpose
  • Small Unit Tactics
    • Bounding
    • Fire and Movement
    • Peeling
  • Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT)
    • Patrol techniques
    • Gateing roads
    • Manourevering behind vehicles
    • Approaching target buildings
  • Reaction to Contact

Phase 3:

  • Heavy Weapons Systems
    • MAAWS
    • NLAW
    • Javelin
    • AT4
    • M72
    • RPG
  • Specialised Weapon Systems
    • M110
    • M249
    • M240
    • M320
  • Airborne School
    • Dismounting Heli
    • Fast Roping

Phase 4:

  • Strong and weak side of doors
  • 'Breacher up' procedure
  • 'Prep bang' procedure
  • IR Lase meanings
  • CQB kill houses and proficiency


Upon completing the OTC you will be awarded the rank of Probationary Officer (P.O.). This rank will make you an official part of the unit and grant you access to additional areas of our Discord server.

Chapter 2.2: Ground Branch (GB)

Officer First Class (O1):

The member has successfully completed their stint as a P.O, and management is pleased with their performance. They have also completed the following courses: Officer Training Course (OTC) and Advanced Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Course.


Officer Second Class (O2):

The member has satisfactory performance as well as one full deployment with the unit. Finally, the member has passed the Land Navigation course.


Officer Third Class (O3):

The member is an Instructor and a general unit helper. While also acquiring a form of Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), for example, Assault Medic or EOD Technician etc. Finally, they uphold our desired level of commitment and SOP.


Specialised Skills Officer (O4):

The member is 'Breacher Qualified' and has attended a leadership course so can confidently lead a team if necessary.


Combat Operation Officer (O5):

The member is specially chosen by the Management Team.

Chapter 2.3: 24th STS (CCTs)

Staff Sergeant (SSGT):

The member has reached the rank of Officer First Class (O1) and has passed the JTAC training.


Technical Sergeant (TSGT):

The member has satisfactory performance and completed one full deployment in the CCT role, as well as completed the Land Navigation course.


Master Sergeant (MSGT):

The member has completed three full deployments and is a JTAC instructor and holds a good understanding of their role.


Senior Master Sergeant (SMSGT):

The member has attended a leadership course and is regarded as the lead CCT with the most experience among the others.

Chapter 2.4: 24th STS (CCTs) Selection

BLOCK 1: Introduction

1.1 - Overview

1.2 - Responsibilities

1.3 - Radio Etiquette

1.4 - Terminology



2.1 - Locating Suitable HLZs

2.2 - CCT Assisted Landing

2.3 - Transport 4-Line Call

2.4 - MEDEVAC 5-Line Call

2.5 - ISR Communication & Relays


BLOCK 3: Close Air Support

3.1 - CAS 5-Liner Call

3.2 - Restriction & Remarks

3.3 - Multiple Aircraft

3.4 - Pilot Targeting 


BLOCK 4: Advanced Knowledge

4.1 - Terrain Obstructions

4.2 - Urban CAS

4.3 - Situational Update

4.4 - Target Prioritization 

4.5 - Successive Strikes

Chapter 2.5: Aviation Tactics Evaluation Group (AvTEG)

Aviation Candidate (A.C):

The member has completed the Officer Training Course (OTC) and opted to partake in aviation selection.


Second Lieutenant (2nd LT):

The member has passed Aviation Selection, completed the Land Navigation Course, and met the standards to become a full member of AvTEG.


Lieutenant (1st LT):

The member has passed the Close Quarter Battle (CQB) Course and has completed three full deployments with the unit and has shown good performance.


Captain (CPT):

The member holds both Land Navigation Instructor and Aviation Selection Instructor and is considered at the top of performance among other pilots and has at minimum done 6 or more deployments with the air wing.


Major (MAJ):

The member is specially chosen by the Management Team.

Chapter 2.6: Aviation Tactics Evaluation Group (AvTEG) Selection

BLOCK 1: Basic Helicopter Performance

1.1 - Helicopter systems (MFDs and Navigation)

1.2 - Flight procedure

1.3 - Basic landings

1.4 - Pilot to Pilot communication

1.5 - Basic flight formations


BLOCK 2: Advanced Helicopter Performance

2.1 - Nap of the earth, terrain flight and free flight

2.2 - Advanced formation flights

2.3 - Rappel management

2.4 - Advanced landings


BLOCK 3: Fixed Wing Performance

3.1 - General flight knowledge and systems

3.2 - Landings (Airfield and carrier)

3.3 - Nap of the earth

3.4 - Drone performance


BLOCK 4: Communication Systems and Information

4.1 - Ground to Air Communication

4.2 - Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)

4.3 - Landing Zone (LZ) and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) calls


BLOCK 5: Fixed & Rotary Close Air Support (CAS)

5.1 - Close Air Support (CAS) calls

5.2 - AH-6J

5.3 - MH-60M DAP

5.4 - F-18/16C